What happened, why I do what I do & why I believe it’s so important!

Deep in every mans heart is the yearning for greater intimacy. The only way there is in doing the inner work.


Hi my name is Ewan Corlett. I’m a coach for professional men that want to master self-leadership to elevate the love in their life. I’m a qualified therapist, somatic practitioner, men’s work facilitator and yoga teacher. Founder and lead facilitator of IGNITE, the authentic man’s personal development community and the host of the ‘The Leading Man Podcast’, where we explore what it means to be a healthy self-led man in the modern age.

All this aside, I am your equal. A man from Hampshire in the south of England who has overcome many hurdles in life to be where I am today.

What I do is the truest reflection of my life’s journey through long struggles with addiction and relational trauma. Over the past 13 years I have been dedicated to healing my own trauma & developing myself as a man of self-mastery and integrity. 

Breakdown to breakthrough

The pivotal moment in my life came 3 months away from my 30th birthday when, on my knees from alcohol addiction, I gave up on my own resources and finally asked for help. From this point on I have overcome many fears to find a resounding inner contentment, self-love and relational happiness. 

Before finding recovery I was driven blindly by my instincts. Selfish desires engulfed in craving; anger and confusion ruled me. I measured my self-worth by my bank account and what I achieved materially, rather than by the content of my character and the substance of my relationships. Whatever I did was always underpinned by a sense of dissatisfaction and so I was always chasing something external to try and feel ‘good enough.’ 

​With countless hours sat in AA meetings, working the 12 steps, and thousands of hours in therapy and coaching; I began to learn to accept and love myself. I exercised diligently, learned to meditate, had therapy, followed self-help teachers and discovered a sense of purpose. I trained as a therapist and began to run my therapy practice helping people overcome childhood traumas and addiction that was holding them back in their relationship with themselves and others. 

Life was going well in the main, but the residing sense of a lack of contentment and fulfillment was still present within me. I began to realize that I hadn’t yet fully mastered my relationship with myself to love all of me, and resultantly my relationships were not what I desired them to be. I didn’t feel whole.

Enter my Katabasis (descent into the underworld)

In 2020 a tumor was discovered in my stomach. The removal of it later that year floored me physically and emotionally. This was the trigger to my greatest transformation yet.

See, I had always struggled to feel and express my emotions, especially joy and grief. I experienced a somatic breakdown.

I was at a major Threshold. One I began to realize was about my lack of rites of passage into fuller manhood. So I took my healing and growth to the next level. 

The self-work became more intense. I began to see the deeper sense of abandon in my child self and it shook my core. Mornings were hard. Gradually, I learned to be more gentle with myself and allowed myself the space to be in the depths of the grief and sadness. To release everything that had been suppressed that was blocking my heart from joy. The man in me was becoming embodied.

Many guides and support came my way from this point on; men’s coaches, breathwork practices, yoga practice, varied meditation, men’s work, men’s retreats and the most fundamental of all, rites of passage! 

Things gradually began to get easier, while I continued to show up as best I could in all areas of my life.What was happening was the greatest journey of my life, the journey home, from my head to my heart.

Self-love today

Today I continue to grow as a man of integrity through my dedication to my own initiation in rites of passage work. Pain has, and continues to be my greatest teacher. The pain I have transcended is what enables me to serve my clients so profoundly. 

Today I love myself unconditionally. I have beautiful fulfilling relationships in my life. It is my desire for you to love yourself truly too, so you can have the success you want and the most fulfilling relationships you desire. This is why I am dedicated to serving you in developing greater self-awareness and mastery, to find your way there. I believe it is your birthright to feel whole and happy. That we are at a time where embodied men of integrity are needed to lead their families and society back to a vision of love.

So, its a pleasure to meet you: a privilege to have the opportunity to work with you. I hope to have the honour of meeting you soon. Here’s to your greatest evolution yet!


Trauma Informed Modalities 


Men’s Group Facilitation 

Inner Child Breathwork

Somatic Awareness & Relating

Personal Integrity

Yogic Wisdom

Embodiment Practices 

Meditation Modalities 

Nervous System Regulation 

Human Behavioural Psychology 

Life Coaching

Inner Child Relating & Reparenting 

Internal Family Systems 

Transactional Analysis 

Developmental Process 

Mother Wound 

Father Wound 

Energy Dynamics 

Life Visioning 

Non-Violent Communication Skills

Ewan’s Training & Certification

Diploma in Therapeutic Counseling

12 years of extensive personal therapy

7 years working with 147 clients with CPTSD and addiction

4 years coaching men in self-leadership

4 years attending & facilitating men’s groups, retreats & rites of passage

4 years Masculine Embodiment Coaching

4 years Holotropic Breathwork Practice

400 hour Yoga Training Certification

Extensive experience working with men of diverse race & back ground

12 years working in high pressure graphic manufacturing industry at all levels of hierarchy

Numerous CPD certifications

Face your fears

Remove the fear that blocks your growing happiness, get intentional about your integrity and elevate the love in your life!