WHAT is the Podcast? And WHY?

‘The Leading Man podcast’ is dedicated to exploring all things related to what it means to be a self-led man in today’s world.

Exploring the common struggles for men and empowering healthy authentic masculine self-expression, ‘The Leading Man podcast’ journeys deeply into that which is left unsaid in mainstream media.

Each episode invites experts from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines to discuss on certain topics relatable to the aspiring self-led man.

Honest, raw conversations that challenge the inherited culture of shame attached to being a man, with the intention to empower men in an evolving narrative of what it means to be a healthy masculine man in today’s world.

The legacy of male leadership has been one largely of trauma. Gabor Mate said “we live in a traumatized world, led by traumatized leaders.” It’s time to change the narrative of what it means to be a leading man in today’s world.

Listen to these empowering conversations of healthy masculinity with Ewan and his acclaimed guests.

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