Lasting change starts with you saying ‘YES’ to you!

The freedom that you desire to feel is on the other side of you developing greater integrity through self-leadership.

The level of connection, love and fulfillment that you desire through relationships is awaiting your creation.

Maybe you are arriving here because you know that addiction is still blocking your progress in life…
or you are looking for love and/or closer friendships…
or you desire to be a better partner and/or parent…
or you can see how your relationship with yourself is blocking your growing success in business!

Whatever your challenges, you can facilitate the transformation you want in your life!

With your right attitude towards the work I will guide you through, lasting transformation will be gained, and quickly.

You will become the man you desire to be for yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, staff, and your community.

Fear will be gone, freedom of your heart will be awakened, and you will learn to love yourself authentically.

I’m excited for you!

Does any of this sound like you?

If this sounds like you let's talk.


Your family, business and community are all calling for an emotionally present man who knows how to feel and express himself authentically. A man who is able to regulate his emotions and hold space for his loved ones to express how they feel; so they feel seen, respected and loved in that. A man who helps his family relax and have fun. A man who inspires the best in others through his ability to be honest in a kind way. A man who knows what his own needs are and is able to honor those needs first. A man that doesn’t take any s**t from anyone because he is so confident in knowing who he is, he always speaks his truth.

I get it. Sounds too idealistic. I believe that it is the reality of who you are and deep down you know it. You are just waiting to be called forward.

Thing is…

you never received the healthy guidance of another man into manhood. Guidance that taught you emotional intelligence and presence. No man ever showed you the art of listening to your heart to develop heart and mind coherence. If you are here reading this now, it means you are ready to harness that power within.

You are ready to elevate the love in your life!


focuses on empowering you into greater self-leadership by guiding you to ground into balance within your nervous system. In the process of enhancing your self-awareness through self-enquiry and self-mastery practice you will develop the skills and strategies you need to become whole and present with yourself; and resultantly your loved ones and all. You will rediscover joy and playfulness in your heart.

Combining eastern philosophy and spiritual approaches to healing and growth, combined with western approaches to psychology and somatics, you will quickly develop the tools necessary to facilitate your transformation to create harmony in your relationship with yourself and others.

The work I take you though is fundamentally a passage into a fuller manhood. Strategy of discipline, routine change and perseverance, to give rise to your most authentic, present and loving self. To find a way amidst the chaos of daily life to make life less chaotic and more joyous.

This is done through developing an understanding of the boy psychology that still exists within you, in how you relate to yourself and others. To learn to accept, re-parent and love those parts of yourself that continue doubt and hijack your sense of peace and fulfillment in life. To put an end to your ego hijacking your consistency of how you show up. To give all energies to the heart of the man that wishes to break through the defenses of that sneaky ego and become whole within yourself. The loving communicator and space holder that you know you are and can increasingly become!

Every part of you that you do not love will regress and become hostile towards you!

– Robert Bly


Your family, business and community are all calling for an emotionally present man who knows how to feel and express himself authentically. A man who is able to regulate his emotions and hold space for his loved ones to express how they feel; so they feel seen, respected and loved in that. A man who helps his family relax and have fun. A man who inspires the best in others through his ability to be honest in a kind way. A man who knows what his own needs are and is able to honor those needs first. A man that doesn’t take any s**t from anyone because he is so confident in knowing who he is, he always speaks his truth.

I get it. Sounds too idealistic. I believe that it is the reality of who you are and deep down you know it. You are just waiting to be called forward.

Thing is…

you never received the healthy guidance of another man into manhood. Guidance that taught you emotional intelligence and presence. No man ever showed you the art of listening to your heart to develop heart and mind coherence. If you are here reading this now, it means you are ready to harness that power within.

You are ready to elevate the love in your life!

My offerings...



A 1-1 self-leadership coaching container where we dive deeply to reclaim your whole authentic relationship with yourself. This is a 6 month training ground for you to develop a high level of self-mastery that will dramatically improve your relationship with yourself, and resultantly with everyone in your life.



Psychology, Somatics, Mindfulness

Expand into awareness of what is unknown within you. Understand these blindspots and develop rigorous self-honesty. Integrate this understanding with body awareness to build new neural pathways that form the foundation for the reclamation of an authentic self-love.


Embodiment, Discipline, Regulation

Become the master of your mind. Reclaim precious time for yourself. Commit to the art of daily practice. Develop mental fortitude to establish a stable & maintainable momentum. Release repressed emotions to leave the prison of your mind & return to your heart. Breath to create safety & grounding in the body.


Conditioning, Boundaries, Triggers

Master emotional resilience and intelligence. Overcome limiting relational programming from childhood. Move past people pleasing to own and define your realm. Know what you feel, when you feel it with immediacy, to process and express your emotions safely to create connection. As you hold space for yourself, master the art of space holding for others.


Structure, Consistency, Kingdom

Harness the integrity necessary to remain consistent. Create an intentional container for yourself to develop a life of emotional freedom. Become the leader that your loved ones yearn for. Build your evolving kingdom from a secure footing of unshakeable presence and diligence.

Testimonials from men like you…

What they had to say upon completion of RECLAIM

Working with Ewan has been the best investment that I have made this year! Ewan provided a powerful environment where I accepted my authentic self.

Roel Orduno

Ewan helped me enormously to become a more present conscious man. His empathy and the depth of safety he held in the space allowed me to feel heard, respected, and valued. I can’t recommend working with Ewan highly enough.

– Reuben Whyles

Ewan helped me get lasting results by looking at the behaviors that I had from early childhood that were still affecting how I show up today. He helped me push past the edges of my comfort zone, to where so much healing and growth happened.

– Michael Dorang

At the end of our work together you will leave with….

1. Integrated Self-awareness

2. Growing Confidence

3. Established Self-mastery Practices


4. Energy Maintenance & Balance

5. Mind Mastery

6. Emotional Regulation & Intelligence

7. Authentic Expression

8. Stronger Integrity

9. Evolving Freedom & Self-love

10. Relationship Mastery

What’s included?

1-1 Weekly Coaching Calls

Dive deep to unlock what is not yet within your awareness. Dropping out of the head, into the heart and body, I will guide you into greater self-honesty. Become aware to outdated conditionings, learn what blocks you, move past what is limiting you and embrace your authentic self with love. The deepest work required is established as the coaching relationship unfolds.

6x Transformational Breathwork Sessions

Connect to your essence. Designed to release repressed emotions so your body can release and restore vitality, safety and regulation. Connect to your authentic voice and your inner child, to know & reveal what lays outside of your conscious awareness.

Assignments to stretch and integrate

Weekly structured assignments to help you expand and integrate on what has been covered in 1-1 sessions.

Self-mastery practices and resources

Embodiment practices to help you develop the mental fortitude necessary to gain the greatest results from the 6 month journey. Yoga, pranayama, yoga nidra, meditation, journal prompts…..etc.

Exclusive Access to Ewan via WhatsApp

Get in touch to express what you are feeling and receive empathic support to help you integrate. Receive day to day coaching to help you move through blocks that present. Ewan is at your service 24/7 to ensure you receive the accountability you need to maintain momentum and lock in the transformations evolving. 

Ewan has helped me to see, feel and heal. He has put me on the path to greater authenticity and purpose. I am experiencing immense growth in all areas of my being. The shame I have lived with that has impacted my relationship with myself and others for so long is gone and has been replaced with hope and creativity.

– Andrew Breeze

Ewan’s Experience

Trauma Informed Modalities


Men’s Group Facilitation

Transform Breath

Somatic Awareness & Relating

Personal Integrity

Yogic Wisdom

Embodiment Practices 

Meditation Modalities 

Nervous System Regulation 

Human Behavioural Psychology 

Life Coaching

Inner Child Relating & Reparenting 

Internal Family Systems 

Transactional Analysis 

Developmental Process 

Mother Wound 

Father Wound 

Energy Dynamics 

Life Visioning 

Non-Violent Communication Skills

Don’t feel you are quite ready for RECLAIM then choose CLARITY…


A 1.5 hour Deep Dive Clarity Coaching Call

This is for you if you want to experience the depth of my work before leaning into my life transforming container RECLAIM.

Maybe your edge for growth is here right now…

…you have something preying on your mind that you just can’t get clear on. You know it’s a huge block to your sense of peace and progress in relationships but can’t seem to find the answers you seek to know the next course of action to take. 

Maybe you are questioning if you still love your partner and need to dive deeply into your heart to find some answers and ways to move forward.

Maybe you are struggling to lead your staff efficiently and want to find some answers as to why you aren’t able to get them to achieve the results you desire.

Or maybe you lack true friendships in life to support you and you don’t know why or how to change it.



Accountability – Integrity – Evolution

IGNITE is an authentic community of evolving men connected through a commitment to developing unwavering integrity. Men who are highly motivated to show up congruently in all areas of their life and have the healthiest relationship with themselves, loved ones and their community.

Life time bonds are formed here through the normalization of congruent emotional connection among men. The confidentiality of the space empowers men to speak their truth without shame and through the support of brotherhood, begin to lean in to the discomfort of their edges for growth.

Together the men IGNITE the wild man within to rediscover the magic of life and welcome in joy. Honouring each other compassionately in celebration, accountability and integrity, 

IGNITE is a space that will support you in thriving within your business, relationships, and health. It is a leading community within the men’s work arena for building intimacy amongst men.

Sound like the powerful community you need?

What the men are saying about IGNITE...

I started listening to other men's perspectives on life and things they are experiencing and I immediately felt a sense of belonging like never before. IGNITE has enabled me to learn from other men things that I never thought of and I take that to my daily life which has helped me massively. There is zero judgment and I feel an immense sense of camaraderie which I am proud to be a part of. I strongly recommend IGNITE to any man.

– Hardeep Sehra

Ewan is an inspiration. The compassion and passion that I feel from his leadership is transformative. IGNITE has been a place for honesty and vulnerability between men, something so necessary and nourishing for me personally. I have found the group to be a safe space full of love and care and to have access to this is empowering me to expand in all areas of my life.

– Tim Hubbold

IGNITE is a great group of men, exploring what it means to be a man in today's world. Being in this group has allowed me to open more to myself, to see the vulnerability that I have been hiding. Being with other men who are not afraid to reach deep to figure out what is really behind what they are feeling has taught me that I can do that, too and that anything is possible to achieve.

– Michael Dorang